Monday, May 5, 2008

Impatience - its MY virtue!

I am 171 days closer to delivering this nocturnal kickboxer. Could this child PAAAAALLEAAAAAAASE keep me from falling asleep for one more night??? I began to feel the baby move at 14 weeks, pretty early all things considered. It REALLY got real when I could feel him/her. Not that the headaches, weight gain and nausea didn't send a message??? Which prompted my lack of patience and I felt the need to find any method possible to find out the sex asap. With all the contacts I have in the MRI world of the greater Tampa Bay Area, I seem to constantly hit a wall when I tell them I am 16 weeks pregnant. I am sneaky, but I am not a liar, so if asked a question, I must be honest in my response. Its only $35 to get a cash ultrasound since no insurance company will cover diagnostic testing to determine sex. Its MYYYYYY $35 I can blow it how, when, and where I want. Its a gamble I am willing to take to get what I want WHEN I WANT IT. I've even had some know it all receptionists tell me sexual organs dont develop till 16 weeks, WRONG!!! Not that I have a medical degree, but any idiot knows that organs develop at around 12 weeks and a baby's sex can sometimes be determined as early as 14 weeks by ultrasound, even sooner (around 8 weeks) with a $250 blood test. (I'm not THAT impatient, I can find much better ways to blow $250)

So anyway... I might have to wait till the first week of June to buy paint and begin the long war with Keith over names that I love and names that he hates... till next time...