Does anyone else out there feel like they are watching Cotton Hill run for president?? You be the judge.
NAME: Cotton Hill (of Fox Channel's "King of the Hill")
OCCUPATION: retired war hero
PROUDEST ACHIEVEMENT: Received Purple Heart for having his shins blown off.
OCCUPATION: retired war hero
PROUDEST ACHIEVEMENT: Received Purple Heart for having his shins blown off.
FAVORITE PASTIME: Stopping by the wax museum to give FDR the finger
QUOTE: "I don't take no anesthetic. Did Lincoln ask for any girlie gas when they blowed his head off?"

NAME: John McCain
OCCUPATION: retired war hero/Senator/Runner-up in the 2008 Presidential Election!!
PROUDEST ACHIEVEMENT: Recently offering up his wife -a potential first lady (well not really because he’s going to lose the race) to enter the annual Sturgis beauty contest, one in which full nudity is practically a requirement... he told her "with a little luck she could be the first and only lady to serve as first lady and Miss Buffalo Chip"
GREATEST DISAPPOINTMENT: Losing the 2008 Presidential Race.
FAVORITE PASTIME: Singing - as he does so well, like here in this clip where he so eloquently butchers a Beach Boys song...
"We have a lot of work to do. It's a very hard struggle, particularly given the situation on the Iraq-Pakistan border." –REFERRING TO A BORDER THAT DOES NOT EXIST!!!, ABC News interview, July 21, 2008
"I'm running for president of the United States, because I want to help with family values. And I think that family values are important, when we have two parent -- families that are of parents that are the traditional family." --interview on "This Week," July 27, 2008 (ummmm.... I guess divorced parents, lesbian and gay parents, and widows/widowers don’t count???)
"The fact is we had four years of failed policy. We were losing. We were losing the war in Iraq. The consequences of failure and defeat of the United States of America in the first major conflict since 9/11 would have had devastating impacts throughout the region and the world." –FORGETTING THE WAR IN AFGHANISTAN, WHICH WAS LAUNCHED IN OCTOBER 2001!!!!, CBS News interview, July 21, 2008
"I'm glad to have his endorsement. I condemn remarks that are, in any way, viewed as anti-anything. And thanks for asking." --after being asked by George Stephanopoulos about receiving the endorsement of Evangelical pastor Rev. John Hagee, WHO HAS MADE A NUMBER OF CONTROVERSIAL REMARKS, INCLUDING CALLING CATHOLICISM "The Great Whore" AND BLAMING HURRICANE KATRINA ON GAY PEOPLE- and I quote, "God caused Hurricane Katrina to wipe out New Orleans because it had a gay pride parade the week before and was filled with sexual sin....All hurricanes are acts of God, because God controls the heavens. I believe that New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God, and they were recipients of the judgment of God for that." WELL THAT IS CERTAINLY THE KIND OF ASSHOLE I WOULD WANT ENDORSING MY PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN!!!
John McCain has been and always will be a total failure. He is not qualified to be our President. Yes, he did graduate from the Naval Academy - but did you know that he graduated at 894 out of 899 students - THE BOTTOM FIVE OF HIS CLASS!!! He then goes into the Air Force and secures a coveted position as a fighter pilot as a direct result of his high ranking family members...just like President Bush - nepotism... Isn’t it a wonderful thing? John McCain goes on to crash 5 planes in his "decorated" career - but no one ever talks about that because he’s a "waaaaaaaar hero." He also spent 26 years in Washington, and what does he have to show for it? He certainly wouldn’t want to brag about the fact that he has supported all of FAILED policies of this Bush administration. The guy is 71 years old, and at the risk of repeating myself - he has spent the past two decades preparing to run in a presidential election and didn’t bother to brush up on his economic policies...he openly admits that he is "not good in economic issues"... and that he is reading Greenspan’s book. Do we really need another idiot in office who is a self proclaimed math reject?? Look up "flip flop" at Wikipedia and John McCain will be right there next to the icon of your garden variety summer shoe. His advisers explain away his recent flop on offshore drilling as a direct result of "an energy crisis." Energy my ass - more like a deficit in his back pocket. Following his FLOP the campaign contributions from "BIG OIL" beefed up his billfold to the tune of $1.1 million last month alone - three quarters of which came after his 6/16/08 speech calling for an end to the ban. This is a huge increase compared to the pathetic $116,000 in March, $283,000 in April and $208,000 in May!!! What it boils down to is this: he made $882,000 in just over three months prior to the flop and $825,000 in just two weeks post-flop... You do the math.
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