That is the theme for the next few months. As a whole, my family is coming unglued. My once vast vocabulary has taken a sabbatical. I cannot put together a sentence to save my life. All story telling on my behalf is boring, drawn out and has become a total snore fest as I struggle to recall names, places, dates and key information of the point I am attempting to make. My ability to multi-task has disappeared and my family is suffering for it. In the past two days I have managed to single handedly disrupt or destroy EVERYTHING that I touch. On Sunday night I took ribs out of the freezer for dinner (per Keith's request) to defrost for Monday's dinner. When I woke up Monday morning to prepare the ribs they were MISSING!! Oddly enough they'd been replaced by a roast (which happens to be Keith's least favorite food in the world.) Oops. I'd removed the wrong item from the freezer. Still haven't quite figured out how I missed THE BIG RED TAG THAT SAID *POT ROAST*!!! Idiot. This morning I was all ready to leave the house and realized that I didn't have my keys, that I'd left them in Keith's car and he had to double back on his way to the office and bring them to me. Upon his return I realized I had a spare set of car and house keys in the junk drawer... And to top it all off, while I was trying to get Isabelle dressed for the day she threw a fit because she could not see the t.v. as I kissed and hugged her, so she pulled away and said, "Stop, I don't love you anymore mommy!" I don't think I have felt so hurt in my entire life. Its one thing to be dumped by a boyfriend or called names by a snotty high school friend, but when your very own precious two year old tells you they don't love you anymore??? I have lost my reason for existing in this world. My heart literally/physically ached in that moment. Of course I thought Keith was going to explode with laughter because two days prior Isabelle told him the exact same thing and when he pouted while explaining what happened I laughed at him, not fully understanding how badly it hurts to actually suffer through the experience. The only thing that came to mind upon hearing Isabelle tell me that she doesn't love me anymore was to tell her, "Well, I love you no matter what." I don't think she heard me though, I cried after she left. I'm sure its all hormonal, I'm trying not to let it get to me. It won't be the last time I hear it, but it probably won't hurt as bad when she is 15 and says it to me upon being grounded for stealing my car at 2am with a backseat full of minors and a trunk full of beer and stolen stop signs. (Which, I am fully prepared to deal with... been there done that!)
Well, at least I have a few good years before Andrew can speak up. Here are some wonderful 3d/4d ultrasound pics we got yesterday!! He has chipmunk cheeks, Keith's pouty lips and it looks like his is going to be much bigger than Isabelle. Yikes!!

Well, at least I have a few good years before Andrew can speak up. Here are some wonderful 3d/4d ultrasound pics we got yesterday!! He has chipmunk cheeks, Keith's pouty lips and it looks like his is going to be much bigger than Isabelle. Yikes!!

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