Monday, January 5, 2009

the digestive system explained... by a 2 year old.

This weekend while shopping in the mall with Isabelle, I gave into her constant begging for a "seshal tweat" (translation: SPECIAL TREAT). She is drawn like a moth to a flame when we are within sight of those gumball/candy machines so strategically placed in front of every elevator. They know the stroller moms are forced to use the elevator unless we want to look like retarded idiots balancing the front wheel of the stroller on one step of the escalator despite the OBVIOUS NO STROLLER SIGNS... Oh, and how about the grocery stores who have isle 7 all set up. Diapers, formula, baby food etc. on the right and every candy known to man on the left. So I can't buy diapers without a meltdown about the Brachs gummy worms. But I digress. The point of this story is Isabelle. She was so thrilled to have 8 to 9 little pieces of square colorful gum. She decided to save some in her booster seat snack holder on the way home. The entire family piled into the car later in the day and a few minutes into the drive Isabelle asked us, "where is my gum?" (first of all - this a problem, I specifically told her NOT TO TELL DAD, as he is anti-gum...whatever, I love being the nice guy so I give in, especially when attempting to maneuver the mall for several hours in peace, so if it means giving her gum, then she GETS GUM!!!) Anyway, before either one of us can answer her she continues, "Is it in my butt?" Keith and I look at each other rather puzzled and she blurts out, "cause I ate it and now its poop!" OH. MY. GOD. We laughed till we cried. We want to discourage "gross conversation" but how do you NOT die laughing at that? There is no t.v. show, cartoon, or discussion between Keith and myself that would have clued her in on how the body works, I can only imagine that she is just a genius.