Well, I DON'T have gestational diabetes!! I love medicine, no really... these "doctors" go to school for years, live on Ramen noodles and the dollar menu, rarely sleep while completing internships and residency programs... I just don't understand why after ALL THAT - it ultimately comes down to THE PROCESS OF ELIMINATION. I have had chronic migraines for 8 years, I usually get nauseated, have vision problems, and pain - normal symptoms for a migraine sufferer... But THESE ASSHOLES convince me that I'm suffering from nausea and headaches because my blood sugar isn't being properly maintained and so I jump through hoops for 2 weeks only to find out that they are wrong and that I just need be admitted to labor & delivery to get a DEMEROL injection today to stop the migraine that has been causing all of these side effects... seriously, had I just listened to WEB MD (a wonderful website that allows you to self-diagnose a thing or two - even though just about every symptom "might" be cancer and they suggest you see your doctor asap) I would have been seeing straight, feeling healthy, drinking large coffee and eating yummy sugary foods and not wanting to stab myself in the eye sockets ooooooooooh, about 11 freaking days ago!!!! So, I'm paying a visit to the hospital today to get all good and doped up and do what they refer to as "re-setting" my brain and get some much needed relief from this constant, crippling pain. I must say after 6 months of total sobriety I welcome this 4 inch needle filled with warm fuzzy feelings, speaking of which, Keith is hoping this will mean warm fuzzy feelings for him too, if you know what I mean...
Happy Birthday Aubrey!
14 years ago
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