Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I'm ready for my handicap parking pass now please.

I've been bragging for 7 months, despite the initial onset of 1st trimester sickness, that this pregnancy has been relatively easy. I've gained a nominal amount of weight, making life in general much easier. I can sleep on my side, I can even lay on my stomach at the massage therapist's office with the special pillows, I can actually still see my feet, and I have been able to maintain a pretty normal play life with Isabelle, sitting down with her, carrying her, cuddling with her... I keep telling people "I'm pregnant, not crippled" "let me do it, I'm fine" "I'm not an invalid, I can wash my own car and mow the lawn!" I've been preaching about staying positive and keeping complaints to a minimum.

I take it all back. I am now disabled, crippled, an invalid. I have come to the reality that I am now pretty much incapable of getting off of the couch without assistance. I can't get off the ground from a sitting position holding Isabelle, I am now sliding into the drivers seat of my car with the aid of the steering wheel as a pulley...and I am exhausted after climbing the stairs to the office 4 times a day. It hit me like a ton of bricks last night, that I have officially arrived at the "hard part" where I get temporarily depressed a few times a week and can't fake a smile. Its an uncomfortable feeling for me to not be able to do things independently and easily and quickly. At this point if I do what I am told and gain 1 lbs a week I will have gained another 10 lbs by mid October. I'm already a cripple with only 8.5 lbs,Well... I'm ready for the epidural RIGHT NOW. I've spent the past couple weeks debating whether or not to induce reading up on all of the medical mysteries and theories for causes of autism and other birth and long-term effects that could possibly be associated to induction of birth vs. how natural birth occurs for a reason. I've considered all the hormonal occurrences that take place and all the mumbo jumbo that Douala's and tree hugging hippies preach about... I almost convinced myself to wait and let nature take its course. Well, not anymore, I'm going in to the Dr.'s office today and letting them know that I am ready to schedule this birth at 39 weeks. Set it up people, I'm not the waiting type, get this kid out of me now, and where can I sign up for a handicap parking pass? - cause the 2 lousy maternity spots at the mall are always full when I get there and Publix and Walmart have lots the size of Lake Michigan. I need a break.