Monday, June 23, 2008

Today is the First Day of the Rest of This Mess...

June 20, 2008... quite possibly the worst day of my entire life. As if my life wasn’t already a daily struggle being 5 ½ months pregnant I found myself living with a sick baby, and a sick 2 year old...(get it? Keith = baby), and then, as is usually the case, I contract the cold as well!!! Its like having the flu but not puking. But that is not the worst part. I struggled to work in the office through the entire day, actually through the ENTIRE cold which has been a week long thus far... while Keith calls in sick and lays on the couch watching Simpsons re-runs and mind numbing interviews with scientists on the History Channel discussing all the myths about Noah’s ark, debunking the Shroud of Turin and filling his photographic memory with more evolution theories than you can shake a stick at... all the while calling me (AT WORK) to complain that he is officially on his death bed, while I work my ass off, suffocating in my own snot, talking to clients through the worst sore throat ever and when I finally make it home to relax, I discover that I have LOST THE ABILITY TO TASTE!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Of course that did not stop me from eating. Somewhere between the first chocolate pudding cup and 3rd piece of chocolate covered peanut brittle I realized that no matter what I consumed my taste buds were not going to perk up. Sound depressing? Well, the REALLY depressing part of this story is the fact that I am trying to maintain a healthy weight with this pregnancy and by testing every food in the house to tease my tastebuds I probably managed to consume 3 days worth of calories. I started off with the chocolate pudding, moved onto pizza, 3/4 of a bag of popcorn(extra butter) and without boring you (or incriminating myself with the entire list) I ended this battle of wills with Hershey Kisses. By the 8th kiss I began to sob uncontrollably. Realizing that all of my consumption had been in vein. I WANTED to taste the chocolate SO BAD!!!! All the while I am watching the movie “Spanglish” and after one of the worst movie endings EVER, Keith advised that I just admit defeat and call it a day. I am happy to report that while I am still suffering through this cold, Keith went back to work today, Isabelle’s sneezes have stopped producing 4 inch long (TOTALLY DISGUSTING) yellow snot strings that defy gravity, and I can taste chocolate again.